SPEED System
The SPEED Appliance is a self-ligating device made from nickel titanium, making it easier to operate the opening and closing apertures, while offering you strong, reliable materials to make your treatment progress with efficiency and speed. Since this system uses no ties, patients have found it easier to keep clean, resulting in better overall hygiene while in treatment. The self-ligation system also cuts down on patient discomfort and gets rid of the friction caused by other appliances. It is small and less noticeable, giving way to better aesthetics for our patients.

The Invisalign system is a series of clear overlay templates - called aligners - that have been generated by computer simulation to gradually move the teeth. This system is available to adult patients with certain orthodontic bite problems. Ask us if you are a candidate for the Invisalign system.

Herbst Appliance
One of the most common problems orthodontists treat is the discrepancy that occurs when the upper teeth protrude beyond the lower. Ordinarily, when we see a patient with the upper teeth protruding, we tend to think that the upper jaw and teeth are too far forward; but, more often than not, this condition is due to a small lower jaw that is further back than it should be. With these patients, we would like to encourage the lower jaw to catch up in growth, and braces like the Herbst appliance help this happen.
Even though the Herbst appliance prevents the lower jaw from moving backward, opening and closing movement still occur easily, and patients do not have any problems learning to chew their food with their lower jaw in this new position.
As with all kinds of braces, patients with Herbst appliances need to be careful about what they eat. For instance, cold foods such as ice slushes, Popsicles and ice will freeze the cement and make the brace loosen. Sticky foods such as caramels, bubble gum and candy suckers will pull the brace away from the teeth. Hard foods like crisp vegetables and hard candies will bend and loosen the Herbst appliance, too. So stay away from these foods during your orthodontic treatment.